Wandora release 2009-10-30

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Wandora release 2009-10-30

Postby akivela » Fri Oct 30, 2009 5:07 pm

New version of Wandora application has been released today (2009-10-30). This version includes a lot of interesting changes:

* Wandora's embedded HTTP server feature has been refactored. New embedded HTTP server has now several parallel output modules. Wandora user can now easily activate and create new output modules. For example, Wandora user could define one output module for a dynamic and browsable HTML site, and other output module for an RSS feed containing topic's instances. As a practical example we have created several Drupal plugins that enable Wandora user to publish Wandora content with Drupal open source content management platform. Drubal plugins are available in Wandora's source code distribution package or as separate downloads.

* Along the refactored HTTP server, Wandora's web service feature has been updated to work with Apache Axis2 and the web service feature is integrated with Wandora application. Now you don't need separate Wandora-Piccolo installation to run a web service.

* New topic map type, Shared web service topic map, allows Wandora user to share his/her topic maps with other Wandora users. This experimental feature enables a kind of peer-to-peer topic mapping.

* GEDCOM (GEnealogical Data COMmunication) extractor converting GEDCOM files to topic maps format. Although GEDCOM conversion doesn't support all GEDCOM features, the converter is very useful. We have enclosed Wandora samples folder a Topic Maps conversion of European Royals GEDCOM composed by Denis R. Reid.

* DBpedia extractor. Extractor reads RDF feed from DBpedia and converts it to a Topic Map format.

* Alchemy Entity Extractor takes a text fragment and extracts named entities out of the text. Entities are then converted to topics and associated to the topic carrying the original text. Effect is very similar to Wandora's OpenCalais classifier.

* Numerous fixes.

New release can be downloaded at Wandora's home page


Detailed change log is available at

Kind Regards,
Aki Kivela
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Posts: 260
Joined: Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:20 am
Location: Helsinki, Finland

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