Integration with Apache Solr, Apache Nutch and Processing?

Integration with Apache Solr, Apache Nutch and Processing?

Postby niccolo » Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:48 am



secondly, is there any work being done on integration with the highly popular Apache Solr search engine? what about the lesser known, but perhaps even more important crawler, Apache Nutch ?

I am building a site network using Drupal, hosted on Aegir and looking at using Apache Solr and Apache Nutch to integrate with Drupal Search and Views

I'd like to put Wandora Server or Web Service into that mix....

thirdly, on the front end, the vizualization side, am wondering about the Java based or its web Javascript cousin ? I'd love to see some "art" type effects on the various topic maps ... perhaps projected into immersive environments so people could physically interact, move maps around etc, or on-screen in Javascript canvas

anyway, I am looking at the Drupal modules now, and am blown away by the core product !


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Postby akivela » Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:50 am

Hi Niccolo

Thanks for using Wandora. We sure appreciate your positive feedback :) Thank you.

We'll carefully investigate your development ideas and probably realize some of them. At least we have to fix Wandora's Lucene search index export feature [1]. I wonder how long that has been broken. Huh.

Can you sketch an use case for Solr+Nutch and Wandora integration? It might help me figure out the value of the feature.

We are aware of the and have been fantasizing of Wandora integration but real work hasn't started yet. Neither has it very high priority at the moment. But the idea is definitely worth of trying.

Kind Regards,
Aki / Wandora Team

[1] ... dex_export
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Postby akivela » Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:46 am

Hi Niccolo

For your information, we are releasing new Wandora version 30th of November (2011) which features Processing integration.

Kind regards,
Aki / Wandora Team
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Re: Integration with Apache Solr, Apache Nutch and Processin

Postby Kergag32 » Thu Feb 05, 2015 3:28 pm

I totally agree with niccolo. I've also updated it to its new version. It's totally amazing.
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