Hi Athanassios
And very happy new year. I am afraid it probably takes some time while we adjust the look of Wandora's d3graph service. However, this rather long post helps you to create a static and Wandora independent graph visualization out of your topic maps.
To summarize required actions: First you need to create a new Wandora server module that will create a JSON data for the D3 graph library. This new module is based on existing d3graph module. Secondly you need to export your topic map as a JSON data and thirdly you need to create a simple HTML page using D3 which reads your JSON data and builds a graph visualization. Lets look at the details.
First you need to set up new server module in Wandora. This new server module should output JSON data that you can then use with D3. To set up a new server module browse
Wandora's directory
build/resources/server. This directory contains a subdirectory named as
d3graph. Duplicate it and rename the duplicate as
d3graphjson. Open
a directory
d3graphjson/templates and file
3dgraph.vhtml in a text editor. In text editor remove all lines except those that are related to D3graph JSON creation. To ease your work, next code fragment contains these remaining lines and you can just copy/paste the text into the
- Code: Select all
#set( $wandoraClass = $topic.getTopicMap().getTopic("http://www.wandora.org/core/wandoraclass") )##
#set( $ctopic = $topic )##
#set( $topicMap = $topic.getTopicMap() )
#set( $topics = $topicMap.getTopics() )
#set( $ntopics = $listmaker.make() )
#set( $i = 0 )
#set( $topicSize = $topics.toArray().size() )
#set( $topicHashMap = $mapmaker.make() )
#set( $typeList = $listmaker.make() )
#if(! $request.getParameter("n") )
#set( $n = 1000 )
#set( $n = $request.getParameter("n"))
#set ($associations = $topicMap.getAssociations() )
#set( $assocTypeList = $listmaker.make() )
#foreach($association in $associations )
#set($assocType = $association.getType() )
#set($temp = $assocTypeList.add($assocType))
#set( $colorMap = $mapmaker.make() )
#set($colors = ["DarkGray","DarkGoldenrod","RoyalBlue","IndianRed","Gray","Violet","MediumAquamarine","YellowGreen",
#foreach($assocType in $assocTypeList)
#set($j = $i % $colors.size())
#set($temp = $colorMap.put($assocType,$colors.get($j)))
#set($i = $i + 1)
#set($i = 0)
"nodes" : [
#* *##foreach ( $topic in $topics )
#* *##set( $topicName = "$topic.getOneSubjectIdentifier().toExternalForm()" )##
#* *##set( $topicName = $topic.getBaseName() )##
#* *##if($i != 0)
#* *#,
#* *##end
#* *##set($temp = $topicHashMap.put( $topic.getID(), $i ) )
#* *#{
#* *#"name" : "$urlencoder.encode($topicName)",
#* *#"id" : "node$i"
#* *#}
#* *##set($i = $i + 1)
#* *##set($temp = $ntopics.add($topic))
#* *##if($i == $n)
#* *##break
#* *##end
#* *##end
#* *##set( $i = 0 )
#* *##set( $topics = $topicMap.getTopics() )
#* *##set( $doneAssocs = $listmaker.make() )
#* *##foreach( $topic in $ntopics )
#* *##set( $assocs = $topic.getAssociations() )
#* *##foreach( $assoc in $assocs )
#* *##set($roles = $assoc.getRoles())
#* *##if(!$doneAssocs.contains($assoc) && $roles.toArray().size() >= 2)
#* *##if($topicHashMap.get($assoc.getPlayer($roles.toArray().get(0)).getID()) && $topicHashMap.get($assoc.getPlayer($roles.toArray().get(1)).getID()))
#* *##if( $i != 0)
#* *#,
#* *##end
#* *#{
#* *#"source" : $topicHashMap.get($assoc.getPlayer($roles.toArray().get(0)).getID()),
#* *#"target" : $topicHashMap.get($assoc.getPlayer($roles.toArray().get(1)).getID()),
#* *#"class" : "assoc",
#* *#"color" : "$colorMap.get($assoc.getType())",
#* *#"id" : "link$i"
#* *#}
#* *##set($i = $i + 1)
#* *##set( $temp = $doneAssocs.add( $assoc ) )
#* *##end
#* *##end
#* *##end
#* *##end
#* *##if($topicMap.getTopics().size > 0 && $doneAssocs.size() > 0)
#* *#,
#* *##end
#* *##set( $ntopics = $listmaker.make() )
#* *##set( $j = 0)
#* *##foreach ( $topic in $topics )
#* *##set($temp = $ntopics.add($topic))
#* *##set( $j = $j + 1)
#* *##if($j == $n)
#* *##break
#* *##end
#* *##end
#* *##foreach( $topic in $ntopics )
#* *##set( $types = $topic.getTypes() )
#* *##foreach( $type in $types )
#* *##if($topicHashMap.get($type.getID()) && $topicHashMap.get($topic.getID()))
#* *##if($i > 0)
#* *#,
#* *##end
#* *#{
#* *#"source" : $topicHashMap.get($type.getID()),
#* *#"target" : $topicHashMap.get($topic.getID()),
#* *#"class" : "type",
#* *#"id" : "link$i"
#* *#}
#* *##set($i = $i + 1)
#* *##end
#* *##end
#* *##end
And save the modified file to
3dgraph.vhtml. Next (re)start Wandora application and open NULON topic map. Then start Wandora's embedded server and browse new service
d3graphjson. What you should now see in web browser is a JSON data you can use in D3 graph library. Save this JSON data into a local file named as
data.json. This data file is next injected into a local D3 visualization.
Look at D3's web site at
http://d3js.org/ and especially example Force-Directed Graph at
http://bl.ocks.org/4062045 . Force-Directed Graph page contains an example code for
index.html. Copy this example code into a text editor and change line
- Code: Select all
d3.json("miserables.json", function(error, graph) {
- Code: Select all
d3.json("data.json", function(error, graph) {
Now your text editor should contain a valid web page with a force-directed graph initialized with a JSON data file named as
data.json. Modified web page code is
- Code: Select all
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
.node {
stroke: #fff;
stroke-width: 1.5px;
.link {
stroke: #999;
stroke-opacity: .6;
<script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script>
var width = 960,
height = 500;
var color = d3.scale.category20();
var force = d3.layout.force()
.size([width, height]);
var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
d3.json("data.json", function(error, graph) {
var link = svg.selectAll("line.link")
.attr("class", "link")
.style("stroke-width", function(d) { return Math.sqrt(d.value); });
var node = svg.selectAll("circle.node")
.attr("class", "node")
.attr("r", 5)
.style("fill", function(d) { return color(d.group); })
.text(function(d) { return d.name; });
force.on("tick", function() {
link.attr("x1", function(d) { return d.source.x; })
.attr("y1", function(d) { return d.source.y; })
.attr("x2", function(d) { return d.target.x; })
.attr("y2", function(d) { return d.target.y; });
node.attr("cx", function(d) { return d.x; })
.attr("cy", function(d) { return d.y; });
Save the text in editor to a file
index.html. Save it to the same directory where you placed the
data.json file.
And that is about it. Now you have a local HTML file that can be opened in a WWW browser. HTML file loads your JSON data into the D3 and visualizes the graph. As there is no more Wandora dependency, you can place visualization anywhere you like. And the best thing is that you can always create new JSON data files out of your topic maps.
Well, the visualization is not at all perfect. It doesn't contain node nor edge labels, for example. To make it look better, look at the documentation of D3 and Force-Directed Graph example. You might also want to examine
render.js in Wandora's
build/resources/server/d3graph/static/js .
Happy hacking,
Aki / Wandora Team