Topic Tree and Panel Sync

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Topic Tree and Panel Sync

Postby TEvansLora » Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:34 am

Unless I am missing a setting, navigation would be easier with sync between the panel and the trees.
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Joined: Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:25 am

Re: Topic Tree and Panel Sync

Postby aki » Sun Mar 10, 2013 10:45 pm

Hello TEvansLora

Thank you for the feature request.

If I understood your idea right, you wish that when a topic is opened in topic panel, the opened topic will be selected in the tree also.

The suggested feature may be a little trickier than it first looks. First, the tree doesn't necessarily contain all topics i.e. there are topics in Wandora that doesn't show in the tree, and user may open such topic in the topic panel. Second, it is possible that a topic has several positions in the tree. If the tree is recursive, a topic may have infinite number of positions in the tree. Third, current Wandora (released 2013-01-28) allows multiple topic panels at the same time and each topic panel may contain different topic. These three reasons result in a design where topic panels can't be strongly synchronized with the topic tree, they can't have one-to-one correspondence.

However, a weaker feature might be very promising. Say, I have a topic open in the topic panel and would like to open it in the tree also. I would select an option Open in the tree and Wandora would show and select the topic in the tree. If the topic doesn't locate in the tree, Wandora would also note about it. And if the topic has several positions in the tree, only first location is shown.

Have to think this over.

Kind Regards,
Aki / Wandora Team
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Re: Topic Tree and Panel Sync

Postby TEvansLora » Sun Apr 14, 2013 7:05 pm


You have the sense of what I was asking exactly. I am new to Wandora and I made the suggestion before I realized how rich the panel interface is. I do think that the ability to "send" a topic to the tree and have it navigated and selected would be a powerful feature. I am hoping this ability could also be extended to topic searches as well.

Thanks for your quick consideration and response.
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Joined: Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:25 am

Re: Topic Tree and Panel Sync

Postby akivela » Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:11 pm

Hi TEvansLora

You have probably already noticed that the recent Wandora version contains a feature to locate a topic in the left column topic tree. Feature is executed by right mouse clicking any topic and choosing a context menu option Open in > Locate in topic tree. However, the feature is not perfect. A topic is not located (found) if it is not in an open branch of the topic tree. This weakness is due to the dynamic nature of the topic tree. Invisible branch doesn't exist before it is opened. Also, if the topic has many locations in the tree, feature finds first of them. Anyway, I hope you'll find the feature useful.

Kind Regards,
Aki / Wandora Team
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