
Would you like to see new features in Wandora?


Postby Anisorf » Tue Mar 28, 2017 7:16 pm

Hello Wandora team,

I'm still working on using wandora to represent subject matter (courses) and produce lesson plans from the graph structure based on the prerequisite association between the topics.

Now I was wandering if Wandora and Topic Maps can be used to provide automatic Question/Answering.

Do you have some suggestion on these type of feature?

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,
Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2014 3:56 pm

Re: Question/Answering

Postby akivela » Mon Apr 03, 2017 7:51 pm

Hello Anisorf

I recall seeing Rani Pinchuk's presentation about question answering system based on Topic Maps several years ago: ... ?locale=en

I suppose the question answering system requires a mapping from the natural language sentences to the topic map query language and from the results (a collection of associations and topics) to the natural language sentences. I would focus on narrowing the used natural language into a small number of question and answer patterns. Such pattern is "What is X" question and answer "X is Y", for example. By narrowing the natural language into a small number of patterns helps one to proceed faster. Yet, if you want to experiment with complete chatbot frameworks, the task includes bridging chatbot framework and Wandora together: Wandora includes a kind of "chatting model" of the chatbot framework. Several years ago we experimented with chatbots but never tried to implement one with topic maps.

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