Trying to set up the Wandora Picollo Server

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Trying to set up the Wandora Picollo Server

Postby bchabot » Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:02 pm


I would like to mention a gap between the procedure described at this page : ... olo_server

and the configuration test I've just made

It is about this section
... Also copy build/classes/com folder from Wandora installation folder under WEB-INF/classes folder. That is, you should have a WEB-INF/classes/com folder which will contain gripstudios folder which in turn will contain a complex directory structure with the compiled Java classes.

I dont found any build/classes/com directory but a build/classes/org directory ...
... and no gripstudios folder , but a gstreamer and a wandora folder

Is it normal ?

I also got a blank page when I'm going on http://localhost:8080/wandora/

Any Idea ?



PS : I'got something when I'm going on http://localhost:8080/wandora/flash
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Postby bchabot » Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:22 pm

OK I found the error on my configuration. (missing a path according my Tomcat installation)
It's works fine now !
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Postby Olli » Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:16 pm

Hello Bernard

Thank you for pointing out the problem with the documentation. It seems to be a remnant from the time when we changed our Java package structure from com to org. I suppose you figured out yourself how to fix this anyway, just copy the org folder, instead of com folder, from build/classes to WEB-INF/classes. I have corrected our documentation to reflect this.

I'm not sure what the other problem was. Do you think something in the current documentation could be made more clear? If so I'd be happy to expand the documentation a little so that other users won't have same problems.

Also if you have any other problems setting up Wandora Piccolo server environment or with Wandora in general, feel free to ask.

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Postby bchabot » Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:29 pm

Hello Olli,

For the documentation, perhaps you can just presise this phrase :
WEB-INF/classes/org folder which will contain a gripstudios

because there is not such thing named gripstudios in this folder !

My other problem was just because I forget the character ":" in my path "D\tomcat\ ..." (instead of "D:\tomcat\ ..."

Another thing is that in fact I can not really understand how to configure another topic maps for the Wandora server instead of those already configured in the Sample Web Application ???


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Postby Olli » Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:59 am

You should have something like this in your WEB-INF/classes/piccoloconfig.xml file

Code: Select all
<service xp:id="wandora" xp:class="">
  <param xp:idref="logger"/>
    <property><key>wandora.projectfile</key><value>C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 5.5/webapps/wandora/WEB-INF/classes/base.wpr</value></property>

C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 5.5/webapps/wandora/WEB-INF/classes/base.wpr here is the Wandora project file the server will use. You can either just replace this file with your own or change the config file to point to some other file. If you have an XTM file you'd like to use, the easiest way is to load it in Wandora and then save the project as a Wandora project. You can set up the server to load an XTM file directly but this requires a bit more configuration. If needed I can walk you through that as well.

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Postby bchabot » Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:43 pm

Thanks Olli,
Your fist solution is enought for my tests.
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