Wandora release 2009-05-25

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Wandora release 2009-05-25

Postby akivela » Mon May 25, 2009 2:39 pm

Wandora application has been updated today. New version (2009-05-25) includes

* Added JTM (JSON Topic Maps) support. Now Wandora imports and exports JTM Topic Maps. To export JTM topic map, start Export topic map just like before and add file extension jtm to your topic map file.
* Gellish ontology extractor.
* Subj3ct record extractor.
* Fixed right mouse click problem on Macs. Now Mac users can access context menus with CRTL+Mouse button.
* Antialized look
* A lot of code refactoring

As usual, new Wandora is available at

Addition to new Wandora release we have opened WandoraTv. WandoraTv is a hands-on-tutorials channel for Wandora application. First set of tutorial videos show you how to create, find, and edit topics, create
layers and use graph topic panel. WandoraTv is at

Kind Regards,
Aki / Wandora Team
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Location: Helsinki, Finland

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