Variant (query directive)
From WandoraWiki
Gets the variant name with the specified type and version from the active column value of input. Returns null if the input doesn't have the specified variant.
Variant(String type,String version)
Following example gets variant names of the input topic in various languages and joins them all together.
importPackage(org.wandora.query2); importPackage(org.wandora.topicmap); new Join( new Variant(XTMPSI.DISPLAY,XTMPSI.getLang("en")).as("#en"), new Variant(XTMPSI.DISPLAY,XTMPSI.getLang("fi")).as("#fi"), new Variant(XTMPSI.DISPLAY,XTMPSI.getLang("se")).as("#se"), new Variant(XTMPSI.DISPLAY,XTMPSI.getLang("it")).as("#it") )