New Wandora release is out!


New Wandora release is out now (2017-10-12). Wandora can save a project to a directory leaving all separate project files visible. This feature enables the user to edit project files with third party tools and applications. New Wandora release supports a small subset of GIT commands and the user can now clone Wandora projects out of GIT repositories, and push changes back to GIT repository. If the supported GIT commands are not enough, the user can always use her favourite GIT tool to access and manipulate the project repository. New Wandora release has some feature enhancements and bug fixes also.

Topic map library in GitHub


In case you haven't heard, we are slowly developing Git support for Wandora. It means, upcoming Wandora supports a small subset of Git operations. For example, Wandora user can clone and open a project from a remote Git repository using simple menu options in Wandora. Also, the user can commit and push her changes back to a remote repository using simple menu options. We have set up a public GitHub organization with a name topic-map-library ( and are slowly creating sample project repositories under the organization. If you wish to contribute, drop a line. If you wish to take a test drive with the upcoming Git support, checkout the Wandora project in our main repository (

Release 2016-05-10


New Wandora release 2016-06-10 is available. The release adds subject locator preview for Sinclair ZX snapshots and Commodore 64 disk images. Both previews are pure emulations enabling ZX and C64 software execution. Structure of distribution packages has changed: Now Wandora's Java classes locate in a JAR instead of separate class files. Samples and extras folders have been removed from the Wandora application repository. Some older subject identifiers have been removed from Wandora's base ontologies.

Wandora release 2016-03-08


New Wandora version has been released today (2016-03-08). The release adds Wandora support to MariaDB and PostgreSQL database topic maps. Wandora has now more stylish look, especially in Traditional topic map. The release fixes many known bugs.

Upcoming release has better support for database topic maps


We have been working to update and enhance Wandora's database topic maps. Upcoming Wandora support MariaDB and PostgreSQL databases addition to MySQL, SQLite and HSQLDB. The work has progressed to the test phase. We hope to release new Wandora version some time in the beginning of March.

It's about time for new Wandora version


Wandora 2015-11-13 fixes a lot of OS X related bugs. Release introduces enhanced subject locator previews for WWW resources, videos, images, audio files and interactive fiction (z-machine). The release has been compiled and tested in Java 8.

Wandora release 2015-08-06


New Wandora version has been released today. New version contains upgraded Processing and Gate/Annie. The release features IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework) extractor and exporter, and IoT (Internet of Things) Pinger. Also, Wandora's DataURI support and subject locator preview have been enhanced.

Wandora 2015-02-03 out!


New Wandora release is out. Version 2015-02-03 enhances Wandora's user interface. Wandora's View menu has been restructured and features new panels: Search, Tree, Layer info and Drop extractor. Yes, Drop extractor is back! The release contains also numerous smaller fixes and enhancements.

New Wandora version released


New Wandora release (2014-11-24) features Watson translation API support, Alchemy face detection API extractor, enhanced occurrence view in Traditional topic panel. The release adds Spanish, German and French as a default languages for topic occurrences and names. The release contains numerous smaller enhancements and fixes.

Minor fixes and enhancements


Wandora's new release is available today (2014-09-25). Release contains minor fixes and enhancements. New features include Umbel concept search and extractors, and ReKognition scenery extractor.

New release 2014-08-20


New version of Wandora application has been released today (2014-08-20). The released version features subject expander, Alchemy API image keyword extractor, ReKognition face detection extractor and Waiana service module, for example. See change log for details.

Wandora goes Github


To make the Wandora development more transparent and to attract new developers, we have moved Wandora's master repository to the Github. Take a look and join us developing Wandora.

Wandora release 2014-06-05


New Wandora release is available. This release features refactored embedded HTTP server. Now the internal services are built upon Wandora's modules framework introduced few releases ago. This change should ease the service transfer between Wandora application and Tomcat server framework and provide more advanced options for topic map based WWW application development. Also, this release updates Twitter extractor and contains many smaller enhancements and bugfixes.

Download links return date stamped packages


From now on Wandora's download links ( and return date stamped packages. The date stamp is formatted as yyyymmdd and refers the version of the application. For example, at this time the returns a file as the latest Wandora version is 20140513. Similarly, the returns at this time. Thanks to Patrick for suggesting the date stamped distribution packages.

Bugfixes 2014-05-05


We have today released a new Wandora version (2014-05-05). The release fixes bugs in selection extractors of embedded WWW browser. The release also enhances the topic map fragments generated by simple HTML list and HTML table extractors. The directory structure extractor has been rewritten and creates now hopefully more usable topic map fragments.

WWW server change on 2014-04-29


Due to increased network traffic we are changing Wandora's WWW server. The server is changed Tuesday 29th of April 2014. Although the change should have a minumum effect on the availability of Wandora's WWW site, the site may be unavailable short periods of time during Tuesday 29th of April 2014. We apologize the inconvenience.

Wandora release 2014-04-15


It is over six months since last Wandora release. Now we are finally ready to publish new version with some very interesting new features. Release 2014-04-15 features TMQL support and embedded HTML browser, for example. TMQL is the topic map query language and Wandora allows the user to search, query and modify topics and associations with TMQL scripts. Embedded HTML browser expands Wandora's internal visualizations repertoire. Wandora's embedded HTTP server services are now available inside the Wandora application. See change log and documentation for more details.

The Art Collections of Finnish National Gallery based Wandora and Topic Maps


We are very proud to announce that The Art Collections of Finnish National Gallery website has been rebuilt using Wandora and Topic Maps. The website is based on Wandora's new server framework. The content of the site comes from a Wandora project file including four separate and merging topic maps. Used topic maps are master data dump of artwork and artists information, Iconclass vocabulary, audioguides and manually crafted base ontology with merge-topics. Frontend is generated using Velocity templates and is a responsive HTML5 site. Also, Wandora's new server framework provides an API to the artwork and artists information.

Next release date is 2013-09-15


There is a lot of new Wandora features coming up: Seven genuine Excel extractors, Firefox bookmark extractor, Redit extractor, AngularJS topic map browser extra, etc. And the date to remember is 2013-09-15.

Wandora and Netbeans


Extremely interesting blog posts by Geertjan Wielenga, a Principal Product Manager in the Oracle Developer Tools group: Porting Wandora to the NetBeans Platform. This reminds me of our attempt in moving to Netbeans. At that time we finally decided to stick with the light-weight framework of Wandora application. Interesting to see how Geertjan proceeds.

Next release date is 2013-06-28


Wandora Team is proud to announce that next Wandora version, including Sketch Grid, Tesseract OCR extractor and MediaWiki API uploader, will be published Friday 28th of June. Sketch Grid is an editable topic grid used to manage topic groups. Tesseract OCR extractor bridges separately installed Tesseract optical character regocnition system to Wandora where it can be used to extract raw text out of subject locator images, for example. MediaWiki API uploader allows Wandora user to upload media resources directly to MediaWiki's such as Wikipedia Commons.

Wandora's Europeana Extractor


Wandora is listed as an API implementation case study in Europeana professional. Wandora features the Europeana extractor which is a developer technology for professionals who want to use the Europeana as an information source. Wandora user can scratch information from the Europeana API (v2.0) and build her own applications on top of the information.

Undo and redo feature released


New version of Wandora application is available. Now Wandora user can undo and redo all topic map operations. Addition to the undo and redo, new version upgrades Twitter, Facebook and Europeana extractors, and contains numerous other fixes and enhancements.

Next Wandora release date is 2013-04-30


We have been building Wandora an undo/redo feature for all topic map operations and have proceeded to a testing phase. As all looks great at the moment we are planning to release next Wandora version 2013-04-30. Be warned.

New Wandora released 2013-01-28


New Wandora version has been released today (2013-01-28). New version features dockable topic panels, Europeana extractor and a number of tiny fixes. Dockable topic panels allow the user to work simultaneously with several different topic views and editors, all synchronized.

Wandora release 2012-08-31


New Wandora application release (2012-08-31) is available. New features include a Guardian open platform extractor, a Freebase extractor, a DOT graph format export and a topic map layer visualization based on D3. Moreover, graph panel views now occurrences and graph panel filter management is easier. Release contains fixes on LTM import and disables some deprecated extractors.

Topic map export module for Drupal


Finally our Topic Map Export module for Drupal 7 has been accepted as a self-standing project. If you use Drupal and wish to export some data out of Drupal in XTM 2 format, this module is just a right tool for you. Did I already say, it's free. Please, take a look and provide feedback if you decide to take a test drive. Yes, we are proud of it even though it has only a minor relation to Wandora application.

WWW site for Wandora


A MediaWiki installation has been Wandora's web site since day one. With a great pleasure we announce that you are now looking Wandora's new welcome page -- a more professional one, we hope. If you liked the old one, don't worry, WandoraWiki still plays an important role in Wandora's web presence as all documentation and download links locate there.

Wandora's WWW server changed


Some sharp-eyed visitors may have noticed Wandora's web site locates actually in Grip Studios Interactive's domain and server space. This has changed and Wandora site, including domains and, locate now in it's own server space. This change hopefully allows us to develop the Wandora's web presence further. Along the server change we have altered web addresses of the Wandora site. Most notable address change is the current absence of folder wandora. However, we have been careful and old web addresses should work too.

Wandora release 2012-06-21


New Wandora release available. Release includes several interesting new features: Tool manager supports now JAR paths, Enhanced timeline visualization, iCal calendar format extractor, server modules for partition visualization, tree visualization and word cloud visualization, cylinder graph generator, lattice graph generator, New York Times Event API extractor, and a lot of bug fixes. See Change log.

Wandora release 2012-04-30


Wandora Team is proud to present yet another Wandora version (2012-04-30). This version features an enhanced Processing Topic Panel, two completely new sample sketches for the Processing topic panel: Sphere3D and Euclidean3D, three server modules for Wandora's embedded server: timeline, googlemaps, and d3graph. Last but not least, new version features a New York Times Article Search API extractor.

Next Wandora version will be published 30th of April


Next Wandora version will be published 30th of April. Version features a navigable 3D graph visualization of a topic map (made with Processing topic panel) and server modules for timeline and geo-map visualizations.

New Wandora version


New Wandora version has been published today. See Change log. This release contains numerous bug fixes and few minor new features.

Update release of Wandora


Wandora software packages have been updated to fix a bug in Wandora's file dialog. Wandora team would like to apologize the trouble and thank all bug reports! At least some people are really using the software. As this was quite a rapid fix, we didn't remove features under development and the release adds some new features to Wandora. These features are XTM topic map service module, JTM topic map service module, GRAPHML service module, RDF service module, and Screencast service module. Also, user can now upload and download resource data occurrences to/from Pastebin online clipboard service.



Next Wandora application version will be released Wednesday 30th of November. Release features several interesting additions, such as Processing topic panel.

New release available


New Wandora application release is available! New features include SPARQL extractor, JQuery Mobile based topic map browser, HelMet library data extractor, Microsoft Translator integration, Alchemy sentiment extractor and updated Drupal extras. See Change log for details.