Topic Map Export for Drupal
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Revision as of 12:59, 16 June 2011 by Elias.tertsunen (Talk | contribs)
Topic Map Export is a configurable exporter for Drupal 7 that generates a topic map out of Drupal content. The development of the exporter is sponsored by Wandora Team. Topic Map Export is distributed under GPL v3 lisence.
- A working Drupal 7 installation.
- Drupal extra modules (Included in Wandora source code package in extras folder).
Instructions for installing Drupal can be found here, for testing purposes it is recommended that you put up a local server setup. Here's some good article's on how to setup Drupal on local server.
Importing topic map to Wandora
- Start Wandora and select from top menu File -> Import -> Topic map import
- Import dialog should open, from there select Browse
- Browse for exported topic map and select that file. It should be located in your in here: drupal_installation/sites/defaut/files/topicmap_{timestamp}.xtm
- After you have selected the exported topic, select Import from the import dialog.
- Now your topic map should be imported and you can browse it. You find the root topic by writing "website" in the Wandora's search field.
- Double click the resulted topic and it should open in the