Topic map conversion of Moby Thesaurus II

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Moby Thesaurus II is a large English thesaurus containing 30260 root words and over 2,5 million synonyms. Moby Thesaurus II has been collected by Grady Ward and has been public domain since 1996. Moby Thesaurus II is part of a larger Moby Project. Topic map conversion of the Moby Thesaurus II was created with Wandora's Moby thesaurus extractor.

Download topic map conversion of Moby Thesaurus II

Topic map conversion of Moby Thesaurus II is available as

Wandora project file can be used in Wandora application while the XTM file should be usable in any topic map application supporting XTM serializations. As the topic map conversion is relatively large, you need to give Wandora application at least 4G of memory to open the topic map successfully. If you are importing the topic map in any other topic map applications, consult application documentation to ensure it can read large topic map serializations.


  • 2011-07-12, Initial version.

Conversion details and metrics

Each word in Moby thesaurus is converted to a topic. Topic's base name is the word it self. Topic's subject identifier template is where ending word is replaced with a slightly cleaned word. The only association type used in topic map is moby-related-words with a subject identifier Root word role is word-1 with subject identifier Related word role is word-2 with subject identifier

Topic map conversion of Moby Thesaurus II has

  • 103308 topics
  • 2520086 associations
  • 103308 base names
  • 103308 identifiers
  • 0 subject locators
  • 0 occurrences
  • 0 topic classes
  • 1 distinct types of associations
  • 2 distinct roles in associations
  • 103305 distinct players in associations

Average coefficient for topic map conversion of Moby Thesaurus II is 0.66491885

Layer connection statistics are shown below.

Moby example 02.gif

Topic map conversion of Moby Thesaurus II is not connected to Wandora's default ontology. As a consequence, Wandora views no thesaurus topics when the topic map is imported to Wandora. Instead, user has to search thesaurus topics explicitly. Next screen capture views Wandora after user has searched for a word people, and user has opened the topic people by double clicking the search result row. Association table views 335 associations where the topic people is either a root word or a related word.

Moby example 03.gif


Topic map conversion of Moby Thesaurus II is licensed as public domain.

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