Topic map gallery

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This Topic Map Library page collects all topic maps created by Wandora Team. Very often topic maps have been created using extractors in Wandora application. Thus, anyone should be able to create same topic maps using original data files and Wandora application. Each topic map has a page of it's own. Topic map page contains download links as well as descriptions of topic map source. A list of topic maps follows.

Moby Thesaurus

Moby Thesaurus II is a large English thesaurus containing 30260 root words and over 2,5 million synonyms. Moby Thesaurus II has been collected by Grady Ward and has been public domain since 1996. Moby Thesaurus II is part of a larger Moby Project. Topic map conversion of the Moby Thesaurus II was created with Wandora's Moby thesaurus extractor.

European royal families

Denis R. Reid has collected genealogical information about European royal families. Information includes relations such as parent-child, husband-family and wife-family. Topic map contains information about 1422 royal families and 3010 individuals. Topic map conversion of Reid's data was realized using Wandora's GEDCOM extractor.

HSOpen Apurahat

Helsingin Sanomat, a major Finnish newspaper and media company, arranged an open-data-hackathon with a title HS Open #2 - Follow the Money 23rd of May 2011. Helsingin Sanomat released two data sets for the event. Another data set was about grants received by Finnish artists between 2000-2010. Wandora Team participated the hackathon and created a special importer for Wandora application that converts the data set of artist' grants to a topic map format.


Gellish, also known as STEPlib, is a controlled vocabulary used especially in engineering to specify products, facilities, and processes. Gellish vocabulary contains concepts and named binary relations, also called as facts, between concepts. Gellish ontologies were converted to topic maps with Wandora's Gellish ontology extractor.


WordNet is a large lexical database for English. WordNet has been developed at the Cognitive Science Laboratory of Princeton University. Topic map conversion is based on W3C's work on RDF version of WordNet 2.0.

Gene Ontology

Gene Ontology is a controlled vocabulary used to describe gene and gene product attributes in any organism. Gene Ontology is an ongoing developed of The GO Consortium. Topic map conversion is based on OBO flat file version of the Gene Ontology hosted by the OBO Foundry. Gene Ontology was converted to topic map with Wandora's OBO Import feature.


OpenCyc is a large general knowledge base and commonsense reasoning engine, and limited version of the Cyc. Topic map conversion of the OpenCyc is based on RDF conversion of the OpenCyc provided by Stephen L. Reed for his Texai project. Topic map conversion was created with Wandora's RDF import feature following light manual processing.

Finnish General Upper Ontology (YSO)

YSO is the Finnish General Upper Ontology based on the Finnish General Thesaurus maintained by The National Library of Finland. YSO is an acronym of words Yleinen Suomalainen Ontologia. YSO contains ca. 20 000 concepts. Topic Map conversion of YSO is based on RDF dump. Topic Map YSO was created using Wandora's RDF import feature. Machine translated YSO was processed manually to fix topic names and associations.

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