Topic map of European royal families

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Denis R. Reid has composed a GEDCOM data file containing genealogical information about European royal families. Genealogical information includes family relations such as parent-child, husband-family and wife-family. Wandora has a GEDCOM format extractor and Reid's data file has been converted to a topic map format using the extractor. Topic map of European royal families is also included in Wandora application distribution packages as a sample topic map.

Download the topic map of European royal families

Topic map of European royal families is available as

Latter file should be usable in any topic map application supporting XTM 2.0 file format.


  • 2011-07-12, A wiki page created for the European royal families topic map.
  • 2009-11-20, Initial release, enclosed in Wandora distribution packages.


Topic map contains information about 1422 royal families and 3010 individuals. Total number of topics is 7591 and associations 13266.


Topic map of European royal families is released as public domain.

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