Delete topic

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To delete a topic

  • Locate the topic. When topic is located you can see it in topic tree, topic table, or topic panel and you can make a selection over the topic.
  • Select the topic.
  • Right click on selection to reveal context menu.
  • Select option
    • Delete topic if your context is topic tree.
    • Topics > Delete topics > Delete topics... if your context is topic, association table or topic map layer.
  • Confirm deletion.

Topic table allows also deletion of multiple topics at once. Topic deletion is always confirmed from the user. Topic deletion removes also all associations where the deleted topic plays a role.

Topic can't be deleted if it is an association role, an association type or an occurrence type. To delete such a topic, you first need to delete associations and occurrences the topic defines.

Note that topic merge may look like a topic deletion as all properties of the topic are added to another topic.

Deleting specific topics

Topic table allows also sophisticated topic deletions where you can set a condition for deletion. These topic deletion functions include:

  • Delete topics without A+C+I... deletes all such topics that contain no associations, no classes, and no instances.
  • Delete topics without A+I... deletes all such topics that contain no associations and no instances.
  • Delete topics without associations... deletes all such topics that have no associations i.e the topic does not play a role in any association.
  • Delete topics without classes... deletes topic if topic has no classes.
  • Delete topics without instances... deletes topic if it has no instances.
  • Delete topics without base names... deletes all topics that have no base name.
  • Delete topics without occurrences... deletes all topics without occurrences.
  • Delete topics with SI regex... deletes such topics that have matching subject identifier compared to user specified regular expression.
  • Delete topics with base name regex... deletes such topics that have matching base name compared to user specified regular expression.

Note that all these sophisticated delete operations require you somehow identify a topic group to be tested. If you make a selection over topic's instances, only selected instances are tested and if the test results true, deleted. If you start the delete operation in context of topic map layer, target topic group includes all topics in that layer. If your selection contains only one topic, only selected topic is tested and deleted if test returns true.

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