Finite group graph generator
From WandoraWiki
Finite group graph generator creates a cyclic group with a prime order given by the Wandora user. Below is a graph visualization of finite group with a prime order 20 and it's Topic 0 element. Visualization contains only association of Topic 0 node. All associations are triplets of two operands and a result.
Looking at Topic 0's association reveals the nature of associations. Each association represents an operation with two operand topics and a result topic and result is a "sum" of operands. For example, operands Topic 2 and Topic 4 form an association with a result Topic 6 because (2 + 4) mod 20 is equal to 6. Operands Topic 1 and Topic 19 form an association with a result Topic 0 because (19 + 1) mod 20 is equal to 0.