Sample Flash Application
Wandora distribution package contains a sample Flash application that utilizes the Wandora Web Service to access a remote topic map on Wandora Piccolo Server. See chapter Setting up Wandora Piccolo server for information about how to set up the web service.
Setting up the Flash application
If you set up the sample Wandora Piccolo web application using the suggested web application directory and default Apache Tomcat settings, the Flash application should work immediately. If you have customized your installation, there are two things you may need to change. The Flash file contains a frame script with following lines at the end of the script.
page.setManager(new TopicMapManager("http://localhost:8080/wandora/services/WandoraService?wsdl")); page.openTopic("");
First of these lines contains the URL used to get the web service definition file. You need to change this to match your installation. Also note that you must change localhost to you server domain name or IP address if you want to be able to use the flash on any other machine than the server itself.
The next line contains the subject identifier of the first topic that is opened. If you use some other topic map than the included sample topic map, you probably need to change this.
You can also provide the subject identifier of the first topic by giving a startTopicSI parameter to the Flash file. To do this, edit the html page containing the Flash object and add "?" after the "TableBrowser.swf" file in the embedded object attributes (you need to do this in two places). Note that you need to url encode the subject identifier.
After you have successfully updated the Flash application and published SWF, you should be able to run the SWF with Flash player or WWW browser. Note: The Sample Flash application does not work without Wandora Piccolo server and web api!