Tagthe extractor
It looks like the Tagthe.net has been discontinued and doesn't respond HTTP requests any more. Therefore Wandora's Tagthe extractor has been removed from the user interface. However, it is still part of Wandora's distribution packages and can be waken up with a tool manager.
Tagthe.net is a public webservice designed to tag textual content. It is a service of Austria located company Knallgrau New Media Solutions GmbH. Wandora features a Tagthe extractor that takes a text fragment as an input and creates topics and associations out of given text fragment and tags provided by the Tagthe web service. Tagthe extractor can be used for occurrence and topic classification.
Tagthe extraction example
In this example Wandora user starts Tagthe extractor with menu option File > Extract > Classification > Tagthe extractor....
User selects Raw tab and writes text area description of Wandora.
User presses Extract button and Wandora sends user given text to Tagthe web service. Tagthe service returns an XML with service extracted tags.
Wandora creates topics and associations out of given text fragment and tags provided by the Tagthe service.
Additional notes
Wandora's Tagthe extractor wraps user text to an URL as an URL parameter and sends it to the Tagthe web service using GET method. Therefore the maximum length of an URL limits also the length of user given text. Notice, Wandora does NOT truncate user text to limit URL length.