YouTube extractor

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Wandora's YouTube extractor is deprecated since Google upgraded the YouTube API. Out long term plan is to rebuild Wandora's YouTube extractor to support current YouTube API version.

Wandora's YouTube extractor reads YouTube video feeds and converts feed data to a topic map. YouTube extractor starts in Wandora with menu option File > Extract > Media > YouTube video feed.... Valid YouTube username and password is required for extraction. Given username and password are not stored between Wandora use sessions. Wandora or Wandora authors have no rights to use any content extracted from YouTube. Also Wandora or Wandora authors can not give you any rights to use any content extracted from YouTube. Respect YouTube's content creator's copyrights.

Youtube authentication.gif

Wandora opens extraction dialog after successful authentication. Extraction dialog is used to select video feed for extraction. Wandora includes several video feed options. User may extract

  • Ready made video feeds
  • Video feeds derived from context topics
  • Search for videos
  • Video feed for a YouTube user
  • Using exact feed url

Ready made video feeds

Default tab on YouTube video feed selector contains ready made video feeds including

  • Most Viewed
  • Top Rated
  • Recently Featured
  • Watch On Mobile
  • Most Discussed
  • Top Favorites
  • Most Linked
  • Most Responded
  • Most Recent

Some ready made feeds are time period dependent. Time period selector includes options for All time, This month, This week and Today. To start feed extraction just select the feed name, time period, and press OK button.

Youtube default tab.gif

Video feeds derived from context topics

After first extraction you might want to continue extraction using data already extracted. For example you may have extracted interesting keyword and would like to know what videos share the keyword. Wandora's YouTube extractor can use current topic selection as a source of video feeds. Available options are

  • User has selected topics and would like to extract using subject locator URLs. Each subject locator is considered as a video feed URL.
  • User has selected topics and would like to extract using subject identifier URLs. This option assumes every subject identifier is a video feed URL.
  • User has selected topics and would like to extract using selected topics. This option assumes selected topics are
    • YouTube categories,
    • YouTube users, or
    • YouTube keywords.

Extraction recognizes topic type and starts extraction if valid topic type was found.

Youtube context tab.gif

Search for videos

To seek videos with given query word select tab Search and write your search word the text field and press OK button.

Youtube search tab.gif

YouTube user feed

User tab allows extraction of specific YouTube user. User video feed contains videos the user has uploaded to the YouTube. Default refers to the username used to authenticate YouTube extractor.

Youtube user tab.gif

Extract using exact feed url

If video feed URL is known, Wandora user is capable to extract the URL feed directly using URL tab in Wandora's YouTube extractor.

Youtube url tab.gif

YouTube extraction example

The image below views Wandora after one YouTube extraction. User has selected default video feed option with Most Viewed and time limit All time. After successful extraction Wandora user has opened video "Weird Al" Yankovic - White & Nerdy (-xEzGIuY7kw).

Youtube example.gif

Then Wandora user opens the author topic alyankovic as shown below. Note Wandora contains only one video for the author at the moment.

Youtube example2.gif

Now user starts the YouTube extractor again and selects Context tab with Recognize topic type and extract using type ticked.

Youtube context tab.gif

As alyankovic topic is in context the expected video feed should contain videos that YouTube user alyankovic has uploaded to the service. Image below views Wandora after successful context extraction. Note the number of YouTube video-author associations has increased. Now Wandora contains all videos uploaded by user alyankovic.

Youtube example3.gif

YouTube extraction notes

  • Extraction doesn't make local copies of videos and thumbnails. They still locate in YouTube. Only URLs referring media content is included into the topic map.
  • You can't watch YouTube videos with Wandora application as Wandora has no video player. However, some videos may work if topic map is browsed with WWW browser using Wandora's Embedded HTTP server.
  • Wandora can not be used to upload videos to YouTube. Neither Wandora modifies data stored in YouTube.

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