Wandora's Joomla Topic Reader
In this article we'll go step-by-step, how set-up and use Wandora's Joomla Topic Reader module. Joomla Topic Reader module is used to publish Wandora content with Joomla content management system. Module is experimental and a general example of how to publish Wandora content in content management systems. To use this module in production environments, you propably have to modify extras provided here. To download Wandora's Joomla Topic Reader module see Extras section on download page. Wandora's Joomla module is distributed under GPL v3 lisence.
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Setting up Joomla
- Download newest Joomla 1.5 installation package.
- Download the installation instructions from the Joomla download page and follow them for correct installation.
Setting up Wandora
This chapter describes how to install and configure Wandora web server.
Installing Wandora
- Please see Wandora system requirements first
- Download the newest Wandora package
- Install Wandora
- Launch up Wandora
Configuring Wandora web server
- Launch up Wandora if you haven't already
- For testing purposes open any topicmap in Wandora. Inside Wandora select File > Open project... or Ctrl+L. From file browser navigate to Wandora installation folder > samples > ArtOfNoise > ArtOfNoise.wpr Open ArtOfNoise.wpr
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- Select Server > Server settings.... A popup should open; here you can adjust Wandora's HTTP Server settings
- Here there few things that interest us, mainly lines pointed by the red arrows (see the picture above). Port number indicated by top arrow is the port Wandora is going to use to output the server http://localhost:port_number/service. Below are service outputs offered by Wandora (the two red arrows below the first one), those are services we are going to use. If you scroll down the settings window, you'll see more services listed there, but only these three services are needed: axis, drupal_atom, and rss.
- Let's test the Wandora server. Make sure you have an open topic (For example, you can just double click Schema type in leftmost window area), then select Server > Start server, if you find Stop server instead of Start Server under the Server dialog then the server is already running.
- Finally let's test if everything works. Open up your internet browser and in location bar write http://localhost:8898/drupal_atom and hit Enter. If everything is working; you should see atom/rss feed displayed in browser. If nothing is displayed or there is an error message, then recheck Wandora Server settings and see the more in depth documentation for troubleshooting.
Module - Wandora SOAP reader
Wandora SOAP reader is a module that read's an atom feed provided by Wandora and builds a navigatable page out of it.
- Copy/upload the wandora_installation_folder/extras/drupal_soap_module/wandora_soap folder to the sites/all/modules directory of your Drupal installation.
- Enable the Wandora SOAP reader in Drupal (Administer > modules).
You can configure the module at Administer > Site configuration > Wandora SOAP reader - feed settings. Here you can change two settings; the SOAP client path and default topic subject identifier.
- SOAP client path is axis server path from Wandora which by default is http://localhost:8898/axis
- Default topic subject identifier specifies default topic the module loads. Change the subject identifier here to the topic which you want to open by default.
To modify the background color of the generated tables:
- Open wandora_soap/wandora_soap.css file
- Modify the background-color and/or border parameters in these classes: .subtitle, .type and .cell.
To display any output navigate to http://your_full_drupal_path/wandora_soap. Something like in picture above should display. If not, then check that the module is installed and correctly configured. Check also Wandora HTTP server is running.