
Read carefully Wandora's system requirements and license before downloading and installing the application. The Wandora application requires Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8. The JDK is not included in the distribution packages. We emphasize that the Wandora is an ongoing project and the software is incomplete, absolutely contains bugs and the feature set may change without notice. Download Wandora's latest version (build date 2016-05-10, see Change log):

Consider downloading source code distribution package if you wish to examine or use Wandora's code base. We use Github as Wandora's code repository. It contains up-to-date sources of the application. Join Wandora development. Both distribution packages are available in the SourceForge too. After successful download you may wonder how to install and run the application. If you downloaded Wandora's source code, you probably want to browse or download Wandora's Javadocs. After you have started to really use Wandora, look at the documentation too.